Sunday, January 19, 2014

Game Today with Cougars

Hi Ladies... wondering if anyone is lined up to play goal today with the Cougars... and if not is anyone interested? Janice, Ida, Sue Fantin?? Anyone else willing to wear the smokettes gear and give it a try?

ALSO Wondering who is planning to go to hockey next Saturday night? It is winter Carnival weekend and I am wondering about our numbers and if we should cancel, may need to pay anyways cause of short notice.... it may be hard to recruit numbers for that night...please let me know if you are or aren't planning on attending. thanks.

FRIDAY NIGHT PARADE....Last year we went into the winter carnival parade and it was super fun... we just played street hockey in our jerseys, behind our support truck...I think we should do that again if people are keen... let me know!!


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