Monday, November 7, 2016

Wednesday Additional Ice Times and Cougars Nov 13th

Hello Smokettes,

Due to our amazing enthusiasm for women's hockey and the great numbers on Thursday's we have added some Wednesday nights. The idea would be for the weeks where we have both Wednesday and Thursday, ever Smokette would attend either the Wednesday or the Thursday. Hopefully we are able to self regulate and generally even out the two nights. If this informal system does not work and  we all end up on one night, we will have to reassess the situation.

My estimate from BenchApp is that we should have between 15 and 18 people committed as some do not use BenchApp.

The additional Wednesday's are on the kids ice in Trail at 7:30pm:
November 9th
November 16th
December 14th and
December 21st

If the number keep up and this works we will add more Wednesdays in the new year.

No change to Saturday's as we have not had 38 skaters yet!

One more additional ice time:
The cougars would like to host us on their ice time, Nov 13 at 445 pm to 6 pm in Trail on the Big Ice.  We have invited them to Rossland for the 10th of December at 730.


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